Minggu, 26 September 2010

Monday, Sept 27 2010

Would you let me be myself
Those several thoughts I've ever known
But stiLL.... I can't pretend that I can't
I can't face them All
None of them I could explain

Even I blame my past..
Or in fact I can't explain what I feel

Giggling my stupidity
Blaming my own mistake..

Dedicated to..one of my friend.

Rabu, 08 September 2010

=== M x a adalah sama dengan M x g===

Wednesay, Sept 8 2010

Inilah musim akur...(read : Musim Damai ) karena kedamaian inilah yang membawa kita ke arah musim guyon.. ( read : Musim Bercanda )..
With whom ????
Definitely, dengan my only one sistaaa....
Bisa dibilang dalam ini lagi musim mesra2 nya ama dia.. tidak akan saya lewatkan kesempatan ini ( kesempatan buat minta ditraktir & nyuruh2 ) hehehehe ;)
Tapi di balik itu semuaaa...
From the bottom of my heart..
I do trully love my only one beloved sister...

Senin, 06 September 2010

Simple Note

Tuesday, Sept 7 2010

OnLy a simPLe note that I made just only to share what I have had in my mind..

I have shared a slice story of mine
I have gotten a lot of advices from her
And I have tried to do what she said...

Lot of thanks to her for listening my ridicoulus story and for her suggestion
Even we only meet 3 or 4 times in a year..But I appreciate those moments, girL...

14 years is not a short time...

Tears, Fight and Happiness always surround us...

Thankss.. ^,^